
Hanna Polanowska, 2019-04-11

Język angielski, Sprawdziany i testy

Sprawdzian do stepsów klasa 5

- n +

NAME…………………………………………………………… class ……………….

A. Wstaw końcówkę czasownika w Present Continuous:

1. swim ____________ 7. eat ____________
2. fight ____________ 8. blow ____________
3. put ____________ 9. break ____________
4. plan ____________ 10. sit ____________
5. sail ____________ 11. show ____________
6. prepare ____________ 12. have ____________

B. Wstaw podane czasowniki w czasie Present Continuous:

1. They ____________________(wait) for us on the corner now.
2. Listen! I think the telephone______________________ (ring).
3. I see that you_____________________ (wear) your new suit today.
4. The boys ___________ (make) a lot of noise. Please tell them to be quiet.
5. Mr. Zehavy ______________ (not work) in his office today.
6. My parents _________________ (go) to a concert tonight.
7. The bus driver ______________ (not drive) carefully.
8. _______the pupils____________ (decorate) the room at the moment?
9. You ________________ (not take) a shower right now.
10. They ______________ (have) sales in all the big shops now.
11. Look! It ________________ (start) to rain
12. At present my grandparents ___________ (travel) in London.
13. The girl ______________ (clean) the room now.
14. ________you________________ (watch) TV right now?
15. Sharon ______________ (not swim) in the pool at the moment.
16. My brother _____________ (not come) home today.
17. Two old ladies _____________ (sit) under a tree.
18. ________they__________ (laugh) at what I said?
19. Ronen ___________ (look) for the book which he lost.
20. Mum is sick. She __________ (lie) in bed.

C. Podaj 6 nazw instrumentów muzycznych w j. angielskim wraz
z tłumaczeniem:


D. Przetłumacz podane zdania, słówka i zwroty:

Don’t worry-……………………………………………………..
Cheap ticket-…………………………………………………….
Members of band-……………………………………………….
Why don’t we watch a film?.............................................................................
Let’s play computer…………………………………………………………..
Why don’t we go swimming?............................................................................
Wrong track-…………………………………………………………………..
It’s your turn-…………………………………………………………………
Good idea-…………………………………………………………………..
What’s the matter?-………………………………………………………………
I’m joking.-……………………………………………………………………….
Sing in the choir-…………………………………………………………………
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