
Magdalena Nycz, 2013-02-14

Język angielski, Artykuły

Discipline problems in Polish schools

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mgr Magdalena Nycz

‘ The problem of discipline in Polish schools and its effect on the school community. Exploring ways in which this issue may be addressed in order to improve the situation.’

Essay outline

I. Introduction – stating the problem : low level of
discipline in Polish schools
II. Main body

 Diagnosis – problem and its symptoms
 Home discipline – the most important matter
 Discipline problems at school- how to cope with
 Governmental support is necessary

III. Conclusion – ‘all we need is love???’

To many people , discipline means punishment. But actually, ‘to discipline means to teach.’ Rather than punishment, discipline should be a positive way of helping and guiding children to achieve self-control. Everybody knows that Polish school is not perfect. Teachers and students confront plenty of problems. They are related to a huge group of young people: small children, teenagers and students in all types of school. As far as we are concerned, the worst discipline situation is in the secondary school teaching teenagers at their adolescence age.
To diagnose the problem we have to answer some questions. Do we have a serious discipline problem in our schools? What is its effect on the school community? And finally: what are the reasons for potential problems?

Polish psychologists have conducted plenty of surveys in order to diagnose the problem. The result is quite clear – the fact is that we have a huge problem with discipline. Polish teachers, parents and students agree that its level is extremely low. Main symptoms of the problem are:
- difficulty in conducting lessons
- misbehaving students
- aggression towards colleagues and teachers
- fights during breaks
- cigarettes, drugs and alcohol at school
- disregarding school subjects and teachers
- absence and students’ idleness during the lessons
- lies
- lack of contact with parents/lack of feedback.
Generally speaking, each school has got its own set of rules and regulations making the school law. It should be an appropriate device to punish or reward students but everybody knows that the rules are usually ‘ dead’.
How to deal with problem? I would like to divide it into three interrelating areas relating to: home, school and government matters.

First of all, our home and family is the most important thing. The discipline that children learn at home is a basis for their behaviour at school. School discipline should be an extension of home one. Children should know that their parents expect them to follow school rules. On the other hand ,mothers and fathers are so engaged in their jobs that they are not aware of huge problems with their offspring. Children, left without control, learn how to live in the streets. Their ‘tutors’ become ‘friends’ from school who ‘know better’. As a result, they do not want to talk about their school and emotional problems with parents because they do not trust them. How to cure the ‘sick’ situation? We all should be aware that parents are child’s first teachers. Disciplining a child may be difficult, so understanding the reasons for is just crucial. We have to discipline children to protect them from danger. It also can help them with correct relationships with others and develop self-control. And what seems to be very important – it can help children understand limits and learn acceptable behaviour ‘ so that they will make decisions when dealing with problems.’ No one is perfect, most of parents make pedagogical mistakes during educating their children. Parenting period is called ‘the most intense training programme ever’. When bringing up a child, parents adopt a certain “parenting style’ and tend to act as martyrs, friends, autocrats, coaches or teachers. All these styles, however, have some disadvantages and can cause conflicts, widen the generation gap, weaken the emotional bonds between parents and children, and make it impossible to develop a relationship of trust and affection. Even ‘tough kids’ have emotional problems or even use violence against other people. On the other hand , the result of the laissez-faire policy can also be undesirable. Children brought up by such parents have the impression that they are the hub of the universe and are usually spoiled brats, egoists , show-offs showing no respect to other people. In case of school ‘accidents’ caused by them, their parents sometimes accuse teachers of being incompetent and unfair to their kids. To prevent our schools from discipline problems we should be aware that ‘children need clear rules and consistent enforcement to guide their behaviour. In schools, as at home, the most effective rules are those decided upon by everyone……students, teachers, administrators and parents…and enforced by all.’ As both parents and teachers we should set limits but be careful not to impose too many rules. Too many rules are hard, if not impossible, to enforce. The rules should be simple and understandable. It is crucial to help children understand the rules and what happens when they are broken. Children should be ready to enforce the consequences. However, it is necessary to emphasize that discipline is not the same as punishment. Studies have shown that hitting , slapping and verbal abuse are not effective. While such punishment may seem to get fast results, in the long term it is more harmful than helpful. Physical punishment can discourage and embarrass children and develop low self-esteem in them. Some experts argue that it also promotes physical aggression in children by showing them that violence is acceptable and that ‘might makes right’. Instead of using such punishment to correct behaviour, children need to learn what behaviour is allowed and not allowed and why.

Having our family problems solved, we can concentrate on improving situation at school. School discipline has two main goals: to ensure the safety of staff and students and create an environment conductive to learning. Serious student misconduct involving violent or criminal behaviour defeats these goals. What are the reasons for discipline problems ? Usually rules are unclear or perceived unfairly or inconsistently enforced. Moreover, students do not believe in rules or teachers and administrators do not know what the rules are. Administration cooperation is poor or inactive. Teachers tend to have punitive attitudes or are overindulgent. As a result misconduct is ignored. Steps should be taken so as to eradicate the problem. First, rules and the consequences of breaking them should be clearly specified and communicated to staff, students, and parents by such means as notes or newsletters. Once rules have been communicated, fair and consistent enforcement helps maintain students’ respect for the school discipline system. We can also increase positive behaviour. Research has shown that social rewards as smiling, praising and complimenting are extremely effective in increasing desirable behaviour. We all should be models for students to avoid decreasing of teachers’ prestige. It would be extremely important to reactivate youth organisations giving children all their time and interest .

To make mentioned suggestions successful we need one more factor that seems to be essential one. What we really need are new regulations relating to educational law. This is the task for Educational Department of Polish government. As far as I am concerned there are some new prospects of such regulations like creating The Institute of Upbringing. It would be responsible for our educational questions and should create new plan for schools , especially concerned with discipline. The plan should be designed around the individual school’s learning goals and philosophy of education. However, the policy on paper is meaningless in itself. Ongoing administrative support, continued communication, and periodic evaluation and modification are needed to adapt a school discipline plan to the changing needs of the school community.

To summarise, plenty of common effort is necessary to improve the difficult situation in Polish schools. We have to cooperate in order to achieve success. Our kids are our future, so………..we have to do it for ourselves. Is there any ‘cure-all’? Maybe “love is all we need”? Perhaps it is not enough …..
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